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How to Create an SSA Account

Written by
Jackie Jakab, Disability Attorney
Jackie Jakab
Lead Attorney
Published November 6, 2023
3 min read
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Creating a Social Security Administration account is an essential step for applying for benefits. You can use your SSA account, known as a my Social Security account, to access your Social Security Statement, reported earnings, estimated benefits, and more.

Learn how to set up an account and how you can use the my Social Security account, whether you are receiving disability benefits, plan to apply for benefits, or would like information about potential future benefits available to you. 

What do I need to create an SSA account?

You must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old to create a Social Security Administration account. The process of creating an account requires a valid email address and a Social Security Number (SSN). 

Create an Account or Sign In

How to Create an SSA Account

Creating a Social Security Administration account is simple and takes less than five minutes. Follow these steps:

Go to the SSA website

The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) is a federal agency responsible for administering disability, retirement, spousal benefits, and Medicare. Go to https://www.ssa.gov/ and click on the “Create an Account” button to set up your personal SSA account.

Sign in with Login.gov

Sign in or create a Social Security login

If you have a Login.gov or ID.me account, you can use your login credentials to create a my Social Security Account profile. These credential service providers offer access to several government agencies and streamline the SSA login process. Before September 2021, you could create an SSA account with a Social Security username and password, now, you must create an account using either Login.gov or ID.me.

If you live outside the U.S. and do not have a U.S. mailing address, an ID.me credential allows you to access your Social Security information online. 

Get activation code

Set up multi-factor authorization

After setting up your login credentials, you will receive an activation code for your online SSA account. You can also choose to set up a personal identification number or multi-factor authentication for added security to your account through Login.gov or ID.me.

The SSA recommends you select at least two authenticators. This is especially important in case you update or lose your phone. 

You can choose to use an authenticator application, like Authy or Google Authenticator, and download the app to your phone. You can also use a security key or backup codes, or receive secure sign-in codes via text message or phone call. Be sure to save any codes or app login information in a safe place.

If you are a government or military employee, you can use your digital Common Access Card or Personal Identity Verification Card as an authentication method to access your SSA account.

Please tell us who you are

Verify your identity

To access your account information, you must provide personal identification information. In this section, you will need to input your Social Security Number, date of birth, home address, and phone number.

General terms of service

Read the terms and conditions

In the next step, you must read and accept the terms of service for the Social Security Administration’s online services. In summary, the terms and conditions outline the importance of providing accurate information to the SSA, and properly protecting any information you receive from the SSA.

Why should I create an SSA account?

Creating a my Social Security account allows you to access various services and information about your Social Security benefits and employment records. Consider the following reasons to set up an SSA account:

  • Apply for benefits. You can begin the application process for Social Security benefits online through your SSA account. The website also provides estimated benefit amounts based on your employment history and age.

  • Check the status of your application. You can use your SSA account to verify the status of your disability, retirement, or Medicare applications or appeals

  • Get a benefit verification letter. Through the SSA portal, you can request an official benefit verification letter with information about your benefits. This official documentation is important for verifying income and applying for loans or other benefit programs.

  • Plan for retirement. Your SSA account features a retirement estimator using your work history to calculate the best time for you to begin receiving retirement benefits.

  • Review earnings history. Your SSA account lists your employment history and work credits. Benefits are calculated on earned income, so it is important to ensure your income records are accurate.

  • Request a replacement Social Security card. You can request a replacement Social Security card through your SSA account.

  • Sign up for Medicare. At age 65, you can apply for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance) through your SSA account.

  • Update your information. You can update your mailing address, phone number, and direct deposit information for benefits payments through your my Social Security account. 

3 Benefits of creating an SSA account

Setting up an SSA account gives you access to important information and services related to Social Security programs. 

  1. Convenience: Instead of spending time calling the Social Security Administration or visiting your local office, you can conveniently apply for benefits, view benefit statements, and update your information online. 

  2. Information: An SSA account gives you immediate access to information about your Social Security benefits. You can use this information to plan for your retirement and estimate future benefit amounts.

  3. Security: There are various security measures on the SSA website to protect the privacy and safety of users, including multi-factor authenticators to help safeguard sensitive personal information.

Get help with your disability application

Applying for disability benefits can be a long, challenging process. After you create an SSA account, a disability attorney can help lead you through the remaining steps of the application process.

Take our 2-minute disability benefits quiz, and a member of our team will follow up with information about your application. Atticus can connect you with a qualified lawyer to help you through the process, including any hearings, appeals, and correspondence with the SSA.

Social Security FAQs

How can I check my Social Security status?

You can find updates about your application on your my Social Security account. Scroll to “Your Benefit Applications” on the homepage. Under the “More Info” heading, click on “View Details” to view your application status.

How do I apply for a replacement Social Security number card online?

You can apply for a replacement Social Security number card through your online SSA account. After answering a few questions, the SSA will send you information about the next steps for replacing your Social Security card. 

What is SSN?

A Social Security Number, known simply as SSN, is a unique identification number issued by the Social Security Administration. This nine-digit number, typically issued to U.S. citizens at birth, identifies individuals for tax filings, government benefits programs, and employment.

Ready to get benefits today?

Related resources:

Everything You Should Know About Disability Benefits (SSDI and SSI)

By Sarah Aitchison

An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Applying for Disability Benefits

A hand drawn image of the lead disability lawyer.
By Jackie Jakab

See what you qualify for

How long has your condition made it hard to work?

Jackie Jakab, Disability Attorney

Jackie Jakab

Lead Attorney

Jackie Jakab is Atticus’s Legal Director. She’s a licensed attorney, a graduate of the University of Chicago Law School, and has counseled thousands of people seeking disability benefits.
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