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7 Signs of a Good Disability Hearing

Written by
Jackie Jakab, Disability Attorney
Jackie Jakab
Lead Attorney
Published September 26, 2024
3 min read
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A Social Security disability hearing is an important step in the process of applying for disability benefits. If the Social Security Administration denies your initial application and request for reconsideration, you can request a hearing with an administrative law judge. More than half of disability applicants win at this stage, so it’s important an important step. Everyone’s individual situation is different, and while there are no guarantees about the outcome, there are some signs that can show your hearing went well. In this article, we’ll go over these signs.

How to prepare for your disability hearing

If your disability hearing is approaching, preparing well is essential for boosting your chances of success and helping you feel confident. First things first, it’s important to know that most hearings take place over the phone and last about an hour. 

An administrative law judge, a vocational expert (VE), and potentially a medical expert will be present. During the hearing, the judge will ask you questions about your work history and medical condition. They’ll also ask the VE about potential jobs you can perform with your limitations.

You can’t control every element of your disability hearing. But here are a few helpful things you can do as you prepare to present your case, including:

  • Work with a lawyer. Getting a lawyer is one of the best things you can do. A good disability lawyer will help you complete paperwork, prepare for the hearing, and represent you at the hearing.

  • Make a list of your medications. Write down your medications (including prescriptions and over-the-counter meds), why you take them, who prescribed them, and any side effects they give you. The judge might ask you about your meds.

  • Prep answers to common questions. Your lawyer can give you an idea of what kind of questions the judge is likely to ask you. It’s important to be prepared to answer thoroughly and politely and to be consistent with any information you’ve already provided. 

Get strategic support for your disability hearing.

7 signs of a good disability hearing

The following signs could be likely indicators that your disability hearing is going well. If these things happen, they don’t guarantee you will win your case — but they’re certainly encouraging.

1. The judge asks the vocational expert very few questions

A vocational expert will be present at your hearing to provide information about the skills and the physical and mental demands required by different jobs. If the judge asks the VE very few questions, or no questions at all, this is a good sign. It means the VE thinks that, hypothetically, someone with your limitations would be unable to find a job. 

2. The judge has a high reward rate

In 2022, there were 1,288 total judges in the United States who made decisions in Social Security disability cases — and each judge’s approval rate can vary widely. Some judges approved over 95% of the claims they saw. Others denied more than 90% of claims. While it can be helpful to know your judge’s approval rate, it’s also important not to focus on that alone. You should also check your lawyer’s experience and past results to get a better understanding of how your case might turn out.

3. The medical expert testifies your hearing meets a listing impairment

While it’s rare to have a medical expert at a hearing, their presence can be beneficial. They review your medical records and compare them to the SSA’s definition of disability — the list of conditions, or “impairments,” included in the SSA Blue Book. If the medical expert says your condition meets a listing impairment and the judge accepts their testimony, this is an encouraging sign. 

4. The judge’s behavior

You might pick up on a throwaway comment that the judge makes during the hearing. They might say something about the severity of your medical evidence (like an MRI) or of your overall condition, or mention a letter from your doctor that’s particularly compelling. Like the other signs in this article, this doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a favorable outcome, but it could be a positive sign. 

5. The judge doesn’t need you to fully substantiate the case

During your disability hearing, the judge will listen to your lawyer present your case and explain your medical evidence. Your attorney will typically ask you questions, too, to prove the case. But if the judge cuts your lawyer off in the middle of their presentation, this is actually a good sign. It means the judge has already reviewed your case and they understand it well enough to make a decision. 

6. The judge says you meet a GRID Rule

The SSA uses something called the Medical-Vocational Guidelines, or the GRID rules, to help determine your eligibility for benefits. These guidelines cover age, education, work experience, and severity of medical condition. Together, they combine to determine what level of exertional work you could do. A judge saying that you meet a GRID rule is likely a good sign.

7. The judge makes a bench decision

A bench decision is the only case in which you walk away from a disability hearing with a decision in hand. When a judge makes a bench decision, they approve your claim right then, before the hearing concludes. You won’t need to wait to receive the decision in the mail. 

While a bench decision is an ideal outcome, it isn’t very common. Be prepared to wait to find out the judge’s decision, because that’s most likely what will happen. 

What to expect after a disability hearing

After your disability hearing, you or your lawyer, if you have one, should receive a written decision from the judge within 30-90 days. If the judge denies your claim, you can choose to file a request for review with the Appeals Council. 

Get help with your disability hearing

Prepare for your disability hearing with the help of a good disability lawyer. We’re happy to connect you with a professional attorney, or to offer legal advice at no cost. Start by taking our two-minute disability quiz so somebody from our team can reach out.

Related resources:

What to Expect at a Social Security Disability Hearing

A hand drawn image of the lead disability lawyer.
By Jackie Jakab

What Do Social Security Disability Lawyers Do (That I Can’t)?

A hand drawn image of the lead disability lawyer.
By Jackie Jakab

Frequently asked questions about disability hearings

What is an SSI or SSDI hearing?

A hearing is one of the key stages of appeal for Social Security disability. You present your case to a judge who can approve your benefits on the spot. It’s important to do as well as you can in the hearing because this is the last stage of appeal for almost all applicants. You can appeal a hearing denial, but it’s difficult and your chances of winning are low.

Do I need a lawyer for a disability hearing?

You don’t technically need a lawyer, but a good lawyer greatly increases your chances of winning benefits at the hearing. They’ll know the best way to present your case, how to answer a judge’s questions, and what questions to ask the vocational expert.

What are the chances of winning a disability hearing?

Based on a 2023 analysis by Atticus, people win benefits at their hearing 54% of the time. That’s a much higher approval rate than initial application and reconsiderations. Having a lawyer also triples your chances of winning a hearing.

Can I have my disability hearing over the phone?

Since the pandemic, many disability hearings happen virtually over the phone instead of in-person. That also means you can have a lawyer from another state (and it’s common to do so) because they don’t have to travel to your local courthouse.

Are there any signs that I won or lost my disability hearing?

Honestly, it’s best to ask your lawyer because they’ll know how the hearing went and potentially how the judge viewed your claim. Otherwise, it’s tough to say that any one thing — like a judge asking many or not very many questions — is a sure sign that you won or lost.

How long after my hearing will I get a decision?

You should expect to wait one to three months after an SSI or SSDI hearing for a decision. Some decisions will go faster, though. Your lawyer will have a clearer answer based on how your case and how the hearing went.

How long after my hearing will I get my back pay?

Once you get a hearing decision, you should get your first disability payment soon or even immediately. That first check will include all your back pay. If you have a lawyer, their fee will also come out of the check automatically so you don’t have to worry about paying them yourself.

See what you qualify for

How long has your condition made it hard to work?

Jackie Jakab, Disability Attorney

Jackie Jakab

Lead Attorney

Jackie Jakab is Atticus’s Legal Director. She’s a licensed attorney, a graduate of the University of Chicago Law School, and has counseled thousands of people seeking disability benefits.
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