Atticus offers free, high-quality disability advice for Americans who can't work. Our team of Stanford and Harvard-trained lawyers has a combined 15+ years of legal experience and has helped over 50,000 Americans apply for disability benefits.
If you’re applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), you must complete the Adult Disability Report (Form SSA-3368-BK) as part of the application process. Form SSA-3368 includes questions about your medical condition and work history.
Fair warning: The Adult Disability Report is 15 pages long and takes about 90 minutes to complete. Read on to know what to expect and how to complete it successfully.
The Adult Disability Report (Form SSA-3368) is a document that informs the Social Security Administration about a disability applicant’s condition and inability to work. Form SSA-3368 outlines important details about the applicant’s disability, limitations, and work history. It also summarizes medical history and includes contact details for healthcare providers.
The Social Security Administration and Disability Determinations Services use the information on Form SSA-3368 to determine an applicant’s technical eligibility and medical eligibility for benefits.
The Adult Disability Report is a required form for individuals applying for Social Security disability benefits. The only exception is minors, who use the Child Disability Report (Form SSA-3820) to apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
If you apply for benefits online, you’ll complete the form and questions yourself. If you file in person at your local SSA office, an SSA claims representative can help walk you through the questions.
Before filling out the form, consider the following tips for success:
Form SSA-3368 features questions about your work history, your conditions, and how they affect you. The Work History Report, Function Report, and main application form already cover those topics, in much greater detail.
To ensure your application is consistent, you can use your answers from those forms as a guide. It is important to build a credible and clear case.
You’ll need to share the contact information of your healthcare providers and medical professionals who’ve been involved in treating, diagnosing, or managing your condition.
The SSA will contact these providers to request your medical records and to learn more about your disability from a third-party source. Take the time to make sure all this information is accurate and complete. Any incomplete or incorrect contact details will slow down — or completely halt — your application.
Your responses to questions should focus on how your medical condition impacts your ability to carry out work responsibilities, not how your limitations impact your personal or social life. The SSA’s job is to assess if you’re physically capable of working.
It is essential to fill out every section of the Adult Disability Report. Leaving answers blank can delay your application or lead to a rejection outright. If your form is missing information, the SSA or DDS might request the information, in which case you’ll have 10 days to respond. You also might receive a denial and have to restart the application process.
You’ll be instructed to skip some parts of Form SSA-3368 if they don’t apply to you. But in those instances, directions will be very clear. You generally need to check a box indicating that you intentionally followed the instructions, rather than simply forgetting to fill a question out.
Include concrete examples in your responses. If you don’t give a clear explanation for your limitations, the SSA will assume you did the most demanding version of the activity.
If a question asks you about your work capabilities, be specific about your limitations. Instead of saying “I had to quit because my arthritis worsened,” give an example: “I had to quit because my joint pain was too severe to use a pen or operate the cash register.”
You might need more than the allotted space for answers. Section 11 in the Adult Disability Form, labeled “Remarks,” is for any information you are unable to fit in previous sections.
Download the latest version of Form SSA-3368 from the SSA's website, or get a copy at your local SSA office. Before filling out the form, check out this overview of each section so you know what to expect:
Start the form by sharing your contact and communication details, including your name, address, phone number, and preferred language.
In this section, list contact details for someone else who’s familiar with your disability (other than your doctors). If your application includes the Third-Party Function Report, the same person who completed that would be a natural choice to use here.
If someone other than you or this second person is completing this form, you’ll list their contact information here, too.
List the conditions that contribute to your disability. This section also includes basic physical questions about your height, weight, and shoe size. For consistency, list the same conditions as your main application form.
Be sure to only include disabilities and health conditions that affect your ability to work and conditions diagnosed by a doctor for which you’re actively receiving treatment.
Questions in this section cover your current work situation and how your condition affects your ability to work. Depending on your situation, you may not need to answer every question in this section. It's marked which questions will apply to you.
Section 4 questions correspond closely to Question 5 in the Function Report, and Question 19 in the main application form. Keep your answers as similar as possible to what you’ve already shared there.
In addition to outlining your education and career training, you’ll answer simple questions about your language, reading, and writing abilities.
In this section, you can list up to five jobs that you held in the last 15 years before you became unable to work. If you held only one job during that period, you’ll answer follow-up questions about your job responsibilities for that role. If you have not worked in the past 15 years, check the appropriate box and skip ahead to the next section.
Your answers must be consistent across every form you submit, so it can be helpful to re-use the answers you’ve already shared elsewhere in the application. Job history information is part of the Work History Report and Questions 16 and 17 on the main application form.
List all the prescription and non-prescription medications you take to manage your condition. You’ll also need to list the reason for taking each medication and the name of the prescribing doctor, if applicable.
Only list medicines relevant to the conditions for which you’re applying. For example, if you need disability benefits because you have migraines and joint pain, do not list your diabetes medication.
An example of a prescription medication is Valium or Metformin, and a non-prescription medication might be an over-the-counter painkiller, like Advil. You can also include vitamins and supplements if part of your prescribed treatment plan.
This section corresponds to Question 22 of the Function Report. Before filling out this section, it can be helpful to gather your medication containers to ensure the information you’re entering is accurate.
In the following section, you will list other treatments you’re receiving or are scheduled to receive in the future.
You will also provide contact information for up to five healthcare providers who have either treated you in the past or are scheduled to do so in the future. In addition, you’ll share your treatment history with these providers.
For this section, you’ll need to list any outpatient appointments, emergency room visits, and hospital stays. Provide details for each, including the related condition and treatment. There’s also a checkbox list for medical tests.
Here, you will list any professionals or organizations with knowledge of your medical history. This might include a social worker assigned to your case or an insurance agency who approved a claim related to your condition.
This section is only for applicants already receiving Supplementary Security Income (SSI). If you are an SSI recipient and have participated in any programs designed to help you return to work, such as skills training or job search assistance, you’ll include the program details here.
This final section is for any information throughout the form you were unable to fit in the allotted answer space. This section allows you to include all the details the form requests. However, it is important to include only the information explicitly asked for by the SSA.
Applying for disability benefits is a complex process. A qualified disability lawyer can help ease the application process and improve your chances of winning benefits by three times.
Take our 2-minute disability quiz, and an Atticus team member will reach out for more information about your case and offer advice. If you’d like, we can match you with a disability attorney. There are no upfront costs to working with a lawyer — you only pay a fee after you win benefits.
Jackie Jakab
Lead Attorney
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