Atticus offers free, high-quality disability advice for Americans who can't work. Our team of Stanford and Harvard trained lawyers has a combined 15+ years of legal experience, and have helped over 10,000 Americans apply for disability benefits.
When you have a question for the SSA, they often suggest calling their national number, or visiting their website.
But sometimes, your local field office is better positioned to help. Whether you're checking on the status of your disability application, hoping to apply for benefits by phone, or trying to schedule an appointment — we recommend calling your local office first.
We've created a complete directory of every SSA office in Texas — plus their hours, phone number, and fax number.
If you're applying for disability benefits, have a question for the SSA, and can't get ahold of anyone — our client advocates can help. Our team advises 300+ people with SSDI and SSI daily, and there's no wait to talk with someone during our working hours.
Take our 2-minute quiz to get connected.
1202 E South 11Th St
Abilene, TX 79602
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 607-9525
Fax Number: (833) 902-2586
1000 Medical Ctr Blvd
Alice, TX 78332
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 388-8744
Fax Number: (833) 950-3019
4750 Canyon Dr
Amarillo, TX 79109
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 803-6318
Fax Number: (833) 519-3209
2921 N Valderas St
Angleton, TX 77515
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 338-2940
Fax Number: (833) 902-2570
1029 Camino La Costa
Austin, TX 78752
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 627-6991
Fax Number: (833) 515-0511
5508 Hwy 290 West Bldg B
Austin, TX 78735
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (855) 221-3523
Fax Number: (833) 950-2398
2300 Dunson Dr
Balch Springs, TX 75180
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (855) 531-1683
Fax Number: (833) 950-2387
8455 Dishman Rd Ste A
Beaumont, TX 77713
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 613-2864
Fax Number: (833) 515-0524
501 Birdwell Ln #3
Big Spring, TX 79720
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 748-2018
Fax Number: (833) 902-2592
2901 Victory Ln
Brenham, TX 77833
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (855) 287-4792
Fax Number: (833) 939-2002
3115 Central Blvd
Brownsville, TX 78520
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 964-6486
Fax Number: (833) 902-2576
2120 W Briargate Dr
Bryan, TX 77802
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 568-9428
Fax Number: (833) 939-2027
1711 W Henderson
Cleburne, TX 76033
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 227-1616
Fax Number: (833) 939-2001
600 Sgt Ed Holcomb Blv
Conroe, TX 77304
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 614-0032
Fax Number: (833) 902-2572
3801 S Port Ave
Corpus Christi, TX 78415
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 613-2859
Fax Number: (833) 902-2578
221 S 45Th St
Corsicana, TX 75110
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 456-9551
Fax Number: (833) 950-2402
10824 N Central Expwy
Dallas, TX 75231
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 572-2492
Fax Number: (833) 515-0513
2530 S Malcolm X Blvd
Dallas, TX 75215
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 717-1529
Fax Number: (833) 950-2416
2475 Cliff Creek Crossing Dr
Dallas, TX 75237
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 931-4958
Fax Number: (833) 950-2420
2201 Colorado Blvd
Denton, TX 76205
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 717-1530
Fax Number: (833) 902-2571
406 South Texas Dr
Eagle Pass, TX 78852
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 862-4864
Fax Number: (833) 950-2404
300 Early Blvd Ste 28 Heartland Mall
Early, TX 76802
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 405-3630
Fax Number: (833) 940-1974
11111 Gateway W Blvd
El Paso, TX 79935
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 563-9310
Fax Number: (833) 515-0522
600 Texas Ave
El Paso, TX 79901
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 964-6229
Fax Number: (833) 939-2019
2901 Altamesa Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 613-2745
Fax Number: (833) 950-2382
819 Taylor St Rm 1A07 Federal Bldg
Fort Worth, TX 76102
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 704-4858
Fax Number: (833) 519-3211
3010 Williams Dr Suite 150
Georgetown, TX 78628
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 531-4699
Fax Number: (833) 950-2386
2010 N State Hwy 360
Grand Prairie, TX 75050
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (855) 722-3499
Fax Number: (833) 950-3017
2717 Terrell Rd
Greenville, TX 75402
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 306-3534
Fax Number: (833) 950-2406
2005 W Jefferson Ave
Harlingen, TX 78550
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 931-7075
Fax Number: (833) 950-3021
10703 Stancliff Rd
Houston, TX 77099
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 592-1608
Fax Number: (833) 515-0520
16200 Dillard Dr
Houston, TX 77040
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 331-3277
Fax Number: (833) 950-2712
5414 Aldine Mail Rd
Houston, TX 77039
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 931-2729
Fax Number: (833) 950-2714
8989 Lakes At 610 Dr
Houston, TX 77054
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 404-1861
Fax Number: (833) 950-2716
8989 Lakes At 610 Dr Area Support Unit
Houston, TX 77054
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 593-2846
Fax Number: (833) 939-2016
1060 Guadalupe St
Kerrville, TX 78028
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 895-0043
Fax Number: (833) 939-1985
215 Calle Del Norte
Laredo, TX 78041
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 704-4857
Fax Number: (833) 940-1970
2835 Gulf Frwy South
League City, TX 77573
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 299-3254
Fax Number: (833) 902-2584
611 Clinic Dr
Longview, TX 75605
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 617-0455
Fax Number: (833) 939-2025
5825 16th St
Lubbock, TX 79416
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 467-0460
Fax Number: (833) 902-2582
702 East Denman
Lufkin, TX 75901
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 407-3442
Fax Number: (833) 939-2021
1509 Sedberry St
Marshall, TX 75670
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (800) 467-5313
Fax Number: (833) 939-2004
3004 N Mccoll Rd
Mcallen, TX 78501
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (855) 886-9628
Fax Number: (833) 436-4145
3250 Craig Dr
Mckinney, TX 75070
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 931-2731
Fax Number: (833) 939-1986
1013 Business Park Dr
Mission, TX 78572
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (855) 245-0647
Fax Number: (833) 950-2400
2015 E 37Th St
Odessa, TX 79762
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 404-1866
Fax Number: (833) 939-2023
215 Medical Dr
Palestine, TX 75801
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 495-0089
Fax Number: (833) 950-2408
2333 N Hobart St
Pampa, TX 79065
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 897-0603
Fax Number: (833) 950-2410
2805 Pine Mill Rd
Paris, TX 75460
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (888) 619-4772
Fax Number: (833) 902-2590
3300 Watters Rd
Pasadena, TX 77504
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 563-4603
Fax Number: (833) 950-2414
8208 9Th Ave
Port Arthur, TX 77642
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 964-1720
Fax Number: (833) 902-2588
40 W Twohig Ste 100 1St Fl Spur Bldg
San Angelo, TX 76903
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 840-5742
Fax Number: (833) 519-3213
3438 E Southcross Blvd
San Antonio, TX 78223
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 964-7432
Fax Number: (833) 950-3023
402 Isom Rd
San Antonio, TX 78216
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 571-0718
Fax Number: (833) 515-0518
411 Richland Hills Dr
San Antonio, TX 78245
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 697-4799
Fax Number: (833) 950-2418
727 E Cesar Chavez Rm 701 7Th Fl
San Antonio, TX 78206
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 405-0482
Fax Number: (833) 950-2396
900 Bugg Lane Ste 200
San Marcos, TX 78666
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 388-8515
Fax Number: (833) 950-2385
927 S St Hwy 123 Byp
Seguin, TX 78155
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 445-0831
Fax Number: (833) 939-2005
600 East Peyton
Sherman, TX 75090
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 405-3521
Fax Number: (833) 939-2029
511 North Main
Temple, TX 76501
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 593-1341
Fax Number: (833) 939-2031
5735 Summerhill Rd
Texarkana, TX 75503
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 931-7675
Fax Number: (833) 950-2700
5509 Donnybrook Ave
Tyler, TX 75703
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 319-5707
Fax Number: (833) 519-3207
8208 Ne Zac Lentz Pkwy
Victoria, TX 77904
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (877) 229-3536
Fax Number: (833) 940-1968
1700 Lake Air Dr Ste A
Waco, TX 76710
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 964-6304
Fax Number: (833) 902-2580
100 Dean Box Dr
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 563-1912
Fax Number: (833) 939-2014
4314 Wendover St
Wichita Falls, TX 76309
Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00AM - 4:00PM
Phone Number: (866) 815-9605
Fax Number: (833) 902-2574
If you’re applying for SSI or SSDI, and don’t have a lawyer, it’s helpful to apply in-person at an SSA office. While SSA agent’s won’t be able to give you legal advice, they will be able to answer basic questions on the application paperwork and process.
We wrote a complete guide to applying for disability on your own here, which goes in-depth on what to expect. To sum it up, you’ll want to prepare by making an appointment, reading over the application, and taking some notes on your medical situation.
You’ll also want to bring in the following on your appointment date:
A copy of your Social Security card: Or a record of your Social Security number (SSN)
Proof of age: Birth certificate, passport, or other government-issued ID
Information about where you live: Your mortgage or lease and landlord’s name
Proof of income: Pay stubs, bank statements, insurance policies, and other information about your income and the things that you own
Proof of resources: Bank statements for all checking and savings accounts, a deed or tax appraisal for all property you own except the house you live in, etc.
Medical information: Any medical reports you have access to, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of your doctors
Info on your work history: A recent resume, or a summary of your most recent job titles, employers, and dates worked
Almost all SSA field offices open at 9:00AM. To avoid long waits, the SSA recommends against visiting first thing in the morning.
While wait times may vary, offices are often busiest first thing in the morning, early in the week, and during the early part of the month. We’d recommend scheduling an appointment, or avoiding these peak hours, when visiting your local field office.
The SSA reopened for walk-ins in 2022. They do advise that those without appointments may encounter delays and longer waits, so we’d recommend scheduling your visit in advance.
If you’re not applying with a lawyer, we recommend applying for benefits at your local SSA office. While the representatives there won’t be able to give you legal advice, they can explain parts of the application that may be confusing, and answer basic questions about the disability benefit process.
Go to whichever office location is closest to you. If you’re having a hard time getting ahold of your closest office, and are willing to travel, setting up an appointment at another nearby office is a good bet. Regardless of which office you visit, it’s a good idea to take note of who you interacted with. At a minimum, keep a record of which office you visited, which representative you spoke with, and your date of contact.
Some SSA offices do have drop boxes. When SSA offices closed, or restricted their hours, due to COVID-19, drop boxes were put in place for non-contact document delivery. Not all offices have, or still operate, drop boxes — so it’s best to call your specific office before you drop off any paperwork.
Jackie Jakab
Lead Attorney
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