Atticus offers free, high-quality workers' compensation advice to those injured at work. Our team of Stanford and Harvard trained lawyers has a combined 15+ years of legal experience, and help thousands of Americans get the benefits they deserve each year.
Roughly two-thirds of Target employees say it’s a great place to work, but on-the-job injuries still happen.1 From straining your back while stocking merchandise to slipping and falling after a clean-up near the Starbucks, you can run into any number of problems while you’re clocked in. In fact, Target recently settled a lawsuit with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) for employee safety issues like blocked emergency exits.
Fortunately, for any injuries or illnesses you sustain while working, you can qualify for Target’s workers’ compensation policy, which pays for medical bills and lost wages.
Yes, Target does offer workers’ compensation for employees who get injured or sick while doing their jobs. There are two main benefits:
Coverage for any medical care your injury/illness requires
Wage replacement if you can’t work because of your injury or illness
If you’re an employee — or what Target calls a “team member” — you qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. That’s true whether you’re a full-time, part-time, temporary, or seasonal employee. As long as you get a Form W-2 from Target for tax season, which the company says all team members should receive each January, you’re eligible for workers’ comp.
All of this said, if you’re working for Target as a contractor, you won’t qualify. If you get a Form 1099 rather than a W-2, that’s a sign you’re an independent contractor and not an employee.
Any injury that leaves you unable to work for at least a few days and happens while you’re working or as a direct result of your job can qualify. Workers’ comp is a no-fault insurance program, so you can also get benefits even after an accident that you caused. As long as you didn’t hurt yourself on purpose, break any laws, or directly disobey company policies, your injury should be covered.
Some of the more common injuries for Target employees include:
Muscle sprains and strains
Overuse injuries like back pain or carpal tunnel
Pinched nerves
Hearing loss
Injuries after slipping and falling
Even if your injury doesn’t fall into any of these categories, if it happened while you were performing your Target job duties, it should be covered.
If you get hurt at work, the first thing to do is get any immediate or emergency medical care that you require. Make sure to tell the doctors or medical providers that it’s a work injury.
Next, you need to report your injury to your employer. You only have a few days to report the injury and missing your state’s reporting deadline could mean losing benefits. Here’s how long you have to report an injury in every state.
Reporting the injury could mean telling your boss, supervisor, or someone in the human resources (HR) department. We recommend that you give the notice in writing, even if your state doesn’t require it.
After you notify someone of your injury, Target should start the process of filing a workers’ comp claim for your injury. In most states, you’ll receive a form that asks for contact information and the details of your injury. Once you return this form, Target will file a claim with its workers’ comp insurance company.
Target works with a third-party administrator called Sedgwick for its workers’ compensation claims. What this means for you is that instead of working with a Target employee in human resources, you’ll work with someone who works at Sedgwick instead.
Sedgwick is a company that helps businesses, such as Target and Amazon, manage their workers’ compensation claims. Outsourcing claim management means companies that operate in multiple states or countries don’t have to worry about managing many claims at once or keeping up to date with every state’s workers’ comp rules.
Hiring a third-party company like Sedgwick isn’t uncommon for large companies, but it does highlight that workers’ comp is often a technical or complicated process. To help you juggle your workers’ comp benefits, medical care, and work, we suggest talking to a workers’ comp lawyer.
Texas doesn’t require employers to opt into its state-run workers’ comp insurance program, and Target hasn’t opted in so it’s considered a self-insurer. Target workers in Texas still qualify for workers’ comp but the company’s plan operates outside of the state’s program. If questions or issues arise at any point in the process, you should talk to Sedgwick or the insurance company. Online resources from the state of Texas may not apply to your case.
That depends. Not all workers’ comp cases end with a settlement and you should initially receive “temporary disability benefits” that are worth two-thirds of your wages in most states. (Check your state’s payment rate here.) Target’s insurance will also pay for all medical care related to your injury. That includes everything from copays and prescription medication to physical therapy and surgery.
Those medical and wage replacement benefits usually continue until you either fully heal or reach maximum medical improvement (MMI). MMI is when you’ve recovered as much as possible but still haven’t returned to your pre-injury condition or abilities. At this point you will move to permanent disability benefits, which work very similarly.
Settlements are most common around the time you reach MMI because the insurer would rather make one large payment to you now instead of having to worry about long-term payments and medical care.
If you want to request a settlement or receive an offer from insurance, we recommend talking to a workers’ comp lawyer.
Related article: Average Workers’ Comp Settlements by Body Part
If your manager helps you report the incident, Sedgwick makes your claim easy, you get decent medical care, and you heal quickly, you can probably manage your case by yourself.
That said, there are multiple advantages to having a lawyer on your side. A workers’ comp lawyer is trained in your state laws so they’ll make sure insurance is paying you the proper amount, they’ll help you argue for more medical care even if insurance initially denies coverage, and they can help you negotiate a fair settlement.
Cost also isn’t an issue since a reputable lawyer will offer a free consultation and charge nothing upfront. You’ll pay nothing until after you get a settlement. Since the average settlement with an Atticus lawyer is double what people get on their own, you’ll still make money even after paying the lawyer fee.
Learn more: 5 Common Questions About Working With a Lawyer
Here are a few signs you might benefit from legal counsel:
Target or Sedgwick denies that your injury is work-related.
You need help filling out the paperwork to file your claim.
You don’t agree with the workers’ comp doctor's diagnosis of your injury or their recommended treatment plan.
The doctor states that you can work more than you think you can.
You’re going to be out of work for weeks or months.
Your injury might lead to a long-term health condition or disability.
Target’s insurance offers a settlement and you want to make sure it’s enough.
Still unsure if a lawyer is worth it? Here are more situations when a lawyer can help your case.
Your state laws, rather than Target, determine how long you have. Most states give you a week or less, so report as quickly as possible. Find your exact state deadline here.
In most states, injured workers receive weekly payments worth two-thirds (66.67%) of their average weekly wages (AWW). Medical bills are also paid through Target's insurance company. Here's how much workers' comp pays in each state.
In most states, your benefits end once you return to your regular work, reach MMI and transition to long-term benefits, or agree to a settlement. Here's more on how long workers' comp benefits last.
Different state laws govern how injured employees can choose their doctor. In some states, Target can present you with a list you have to choose from. In others, if you’ve already predesignated your own doctor, you can see them.
You can file a claim and go through the whole process on your own. But if you stop getting payments, insurance denies your medical care, you get a settlement offer, or you just have questions, a lawyer can help advocate for your rights. Atticus lawyers also provide free consultations and you can ask all your questions before signing on. Learn more about what workers' comp lawyers do.
How much you can work depends on your workers' comp doctor's treatment plan. If the doctor says you can’t work, or can only do certain light-duty work, make sure you follow their instructions. Breaking the doctor’s orders could mean losing your workers’ comp benefits.
How long ago did you get an injury or illness at work?
Victoria Muñoz
Lead Attorney
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